Our current studio project site is a piece of land owned by the Menil Collection, along Richmond. The planned new light-rail line will have a stop there, and it's our job to design a theater/lecture hall and gallery space on the site. Richmond Hall is on the site, inside of which is a large installation by Dan Flavin. We stopped by the site the other day, and I managed to snap off a photos.
FashionNow! was tonight, a huge event at the Houston Galleria that's thrown twice a year. My sister walked for Barney's, Billy Reid, and Nordstrom, and I showed up to to snap a few photos of the glamazon herself :).
The COA is going through the process of finding a new Dean. The search has been narrowed down to four candidates, which Student Council has the fantastic opportunity of interviewing. In an effort to reach the student body, I made a poster for students to email interview questions to STUCO reps.
As the elements for my prototype are circulation and aperture, I started to incorporate more aperture and deconstruct the walls of my concept. The slot in the ceiling aligns with the slot on the next floor, allowing some connection between the modules. But,evenasItypethis,thedesign'sgettinganotheroverhaul. Aperture is going to be incorporated into the steps, and the floors are going to go under the knife as well.OurfinalisdueonMonday.It'sgoingtobealong(andhopefullyveryproductive)night.
While we were in Italy, we were supposed to do a sketch of each location we went to. We had a competition, and I was one of the three winners! I won a photo book called "Houston. It's worth it."
We're working on a two-week studio project at the moment, named "proto-building." Our task is to create a conceptual framework (not a building) with limited focus on two of three elements: structure, circulation, and aperture. I chose aperture and circulation -- a reinvention of a stair, with inhabitable space (aperture)... For whatever two elements we chose, we have to show the relation to the third (structure, in my case.) My concept is built from simple framing and cladding. I'm not completely done yet, but I'm really happy with my idea.