studio blog

Sunday, December 20, 2009

'tis the season + the local paper

My friend Sophia has designed and fabricated a line of high-end gift wrap, based on burglar bars. I think she might be on a goldmine. Here's a look at her San José collection. You can visit The Local Paper Shop, and purchase your own, here.

deans award + grazie-giving

Right before Thanksgiving, Student Council threw our second (hopefully) annual Grazie-giving, and there's something undeniably special about seeing the students come together. At the event, we presented Dean Mashburn with an award, as he's stepping down after this semester. I designed the award, and Christian and I fabricated it. The two sheets of acrylic were etched with the laser-cutter, then attached with a few spacers, screws, nuts, and washers.


A few weeks ago, I was sitting outside with Vivi, snapping random photos and adjusting settings. There's something hauntingly cool about this shaky, overexposed image.

designing an icon

About a month ago, the COA was hosting an exhibition on the design of classic cars. I wish I could say some of these sketches were mine!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

menil lecture hall and gallery presentation

Well, it's been way to long since I've updated my blog. I've misplaced the cord to download photos from my camera, and as soon as I find or replace it I'll have to catch up on my blogging. For now, here's some of my final presentation this semester.