studio blog

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

urban scrawl

Photo: Ken Hively/LA Times

Photo: Hedi Slimane Diary


Photo: Hedi Slimane Diary

The L.A. Times ran an article this week covering the public outrage over "supergraphics." The GAP had completely covered the side of a high-rise with a monstrous ad, and the picket-line was formed. Businessmen, soccer-moms, and other cliches converged, wielding their posterboards, reciting chants, and advertising a message of their own. A little ironic, yes?

I'm hesitant to commit to either side of the argument, but something can be said for both. Freedom of speech is awesome. Branding is everywhere. The distinction between art, marketing, and obtrusiveness can be a blurry one.


  1. you bring up a good point.. where is the line to cross when redefining the skin of a building?

  2. Adam! I love your blog! It's very thoughtful and artsy. I believe your picture/quote/banner is from a Frost poem?

    If you're bored, be my blog buddy :)

